Big credits were given to East Germany by successive West German governments. 历届西德政府给予东德大量的贷款。
In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory 在东德,俄语是必修课。
Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born 他们希望能够诞生一个崭新的、更加美好的东德。
The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years 该特工人员为东德做了20多年的间谍。
The former East Germany built the wall in 1961 to divide East and West Berlin. 前东德于1961年建造了城墙以分割东、西柏林。
At the age of eight, and named Erik Schroder, he landed in America with his father from East Germany. 八岁时以埃里克·施罗德(ErikSchroder)的化名,跟随父亲从东德搬迁至美国。
In East Germany, the state-run studio DEFA produced seven movies in this mode, two of which appear in the series. 东德的国营电影制片厂DEFA制作了七部这种类型的电影,其中两部会在这个影展系列中放映。
And part of the reason for that is what happened after World War II, Germany was divided into two countries, you had East Germany and West Germany. 这其中的一部分原因是因为二战之后,德国分裂为两个国家,东德和西德。
We learnt what happened in East Germany and everyone said that should never happen again. 我们了解到东德曾发生过什么,人人都说那些事情永远都不该再发生。
Many streets in the former East Germany were renamed in 1990. 很多在前东德的街道在1990年改名了。
It wanted to raise money to build another plant in east Germany to supply the European market. 公司希望筹资在德国东部兴建另一家工厂,为欧洲市场供货。
We will also look at examples of East Germany's film production and finally observe the very different roads German cinema has been taking from the1990's into the present. 我们也会透过几部电影了解当时东德的电影制作,并观察德国电影从90年代迄今所选择极为不同的走向。
Then the reunification of West and East Germany took its toll by forcing the government to raise taxes and by acting as a drag on general economic activity. 接着,东西德统一,迫使政府提高税收,拖了整体经济活动的后腿,给赫尔德区造成了沉重打击。
Putin's work in East Germany was precipitously drawing to a close. 普京在前东德的工作也突然宣告结束。
The ministry and the chamber continued to be dilatory, so hulas were smuggled in through East Germany. 这两个部门仍然拖拖拉拉,于是呼拉圈就通过东德走私进来。
It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany. 她在东德作为一个间谍工作,这渐被人知。
East Germany United with West Germany to form one country. 东德和西德联合为一个国家。
The fact that the different wage levels in East and West Germany converged faster than productivity led to a hike in the number of jobless in East Germany. 东德和西德不同的工资水平在统一上比生产力增长快这个事实导致了东德失业人数大增。
Moreover, in the German context-only two decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall brought the methods of East Germany's secret police to light-such practices cause shock. 此外,鉴于德国的历史背景就在20年前,柏林墙的倒塌让东德秘密警察的手段大白于天下这种做法令人震惊。
Centrally planned East Germany had exhibited productivity levels little better than one-third those of market-oriented West Germany. 实行中央计划经济的东德与实行市场经济的西德相比,前者的生产力水平仅略高于后者的三分之一。
On the western side, the US organized NATO and supported West Germany for the purpose of keeping the ussr "in check"; on the eastern side, the USSR organized the Warsaw pact, and built up East Germany as the bridgehead against the west. 在西边,美国组织北约,扶植西德,以“遏制”苏联;在东边,苏联组建华约集团,把东德建成对付西方的桥头堡。
What began as an assemblage of1,000 empty beer cartons pulled together by residents in East Germany has now evolved into an incredible open air public library. 东德新建了一个露天图书馆,让人难以置信的是,它竟然是东德居民用1000个空啤酒纸箱齐心协力建造而成的。
When construction crews began tearing down the Berlin Wall, company founder Josef Menzel asked a friend in East Germany to save two concrete segments and have them delivered to the United States. 当建筑工人开始拆除柏林墙的时候,公司创始人约瑟夫门泽尔叫他在东德的朋友保存两块柏林墙残垣并且把他们运送到美国。
There have been sharp contrasts between economic conditions in South Korea and North Korea, between East Germany and West Germany. 南朝鲜和北朝鲜,东德和西德之间的经济差距非常巨大。
You're wasting your time. I ran all the agents in East germany. 你这是在浪费时间,我提供了所有在东德的特工经费。
Institutions are the key influence on economic prosperity West Germany did not outperform East Germany because of its excellent monetary policies. 制度是经济繁荣的关键因素,要知道,西德并不是因为其明智的货币政策才超越东德的。
At the end of the war, Germany was divided into four sectors, and the Soviet sector became East germany. 战争结束的时候,德国被分成4个占领区,而苏联占领区成了东德。
We went on a congressional delegation to East germany. 我们随一个国会代表团去东德。
The agency was set up to privatize the8000state-owned firms in the former East germany. 那家机构是为将前东德8000家国有企业私有化而建立的。